The DAAD Helmut Schmidt Scholarship, also known as the Public Policy and Good Governance (PPGG) program, aims to foster democracy, social justice, and good governance in developing countries. Funded by the German Federal Foreign Office, this scholarship provides a pathway for highly qualified graduates to acquire a Master’s degree in disciplines crucial for their home regions’ social, political, and economic development.
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Eligibility Criteria
- Graduates from developing and emerging countries with a well-qualified first university degree.
- Disciplines: Social and Political Sciences, Law, Economics, Public Policy, and Administration.
DAAD Helmut Schmidt Scholarship Benefits
- Fully Funded: The scholarship covers tuition fees, travel costs, and a study and research grant.
- Annual Stipend: €11,208.
- Health Insurance.
- Travel Allowance.
Program Objectives
- Educate future leaders in the principles of Good Governance.
- Prepare graduates for responsible positions in their home countries.
- Establish democratically oriented economic and social institutions.
Master’s Courses
- The scholarship supports master’s programs relevant to social, political, and economic development.
- Fields include political science, law, economics, and administration.
Application Deadline
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Apply by July 31, 2024.
For more information and to apply, visit the official Scholarship page.